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english, español, français, deutsche, português, русском, română, polsku, беларускай, Top EntrancesReasons for top entrancesYou can keep bees fine without these, but they do eliminate the following problems: mice, skunks, opossums, dead bees blocking the exit in winter, condensation on the lid in winter, snow blocking the exit in winter, grass blocking the exit the rest of the year. It also allows you to buy inexpensive and very nice Sundance II pollen traps.
How to make top entrancesThe first two pictures are regular migratory covers with tapered shims to make top entrances with the opening the long way. My current ones are the next three pictures. These are 3/4" plywood cut to the size of the box (no overhang or cleats) with shims to make the opening the short way. I just started making them out of 1/2" plywood. The next two pictures are me making the top entrances. The idea of using shims was presented to me by Lloyd Spears who says he got it from a man named Ludewig Top Entrance Frequently Asked Questions:Question: Without a bottom entrance, don't they have trouble hauling out the dead bees and keeping the hive clean? Answer: In my observation, no more than with a bottom entrance. Either way dead bees accumulate over winter. Either way they accumulate some in the fall. Either way they usually keep it pretty clean in the middle of the year. I've watched a house keeping bee in my observation hive (which has a bottom entrance), haul dead bees all over the hive from top to bottom before finally finding the entrance at the bottom. I don't think it matters at all. Question: Do the returning foragers get irate when you're working the hive? Answer: I haven't noticed any difference. Whether a top entrance or a bottom entrance, while you're working the hive you're disrupting things just by standing there. You always, in both cases, have confused bees circling and with both bottom and top entrances you have bees who just go back into the hive while you're working. With the top entrance they just go in the top. Question: When removing supers don't they get confused? Answer: The most confusion is when you remove them from only one and it's right next to a similar height hive. Then they do get confused about which hive is theirs. But I think they do the same with a bottom entrance for the same reason except you don't notice. They use the height of the hive as one of their landmarks so they continue to fly into the tall white hive nearest where they remember it instead of the short one next to it. In a day things go back to normal. Question: Why do some people recommend not using them in town because of bees being confused when working the hive? Answer: Similar to above answer. In my experience, no. Any hive being opened causes confusion for the returning foragers because the height of the hive is often changed because of removing boxes, and the beekeeper's presence changes the landmarks. I see no increase in the confusion of a top entrance only hive to a bottom entrance only hive. In my opinion, advice that top entrances should not be used in Urban areas are misplaced but seem to be often repeated by those who have no experience with top entrances. Wintering will be much improved by a top entrance and it prevents issues such as Chalkbrood and overheating as well. These advantages should not be sacrificed merely because of a commonly held belief about hive disruption that is so often repeated. Question: Can I reduce the entrance? Answer: Of course you can reduce it several ways. My method is to cut a piece of screen molding (3/4" x 1/4" molding) to about an inch and a half short of the width of the opening and nail it to the top with a nail in the center so you can pivot it to open it. Hope you enjoyed the pictures, Michael Bush Copyright 2006-2009 by Michael Bush |